Saturday, 21 February 2015

Untreated Health issues that can result in erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) generally considered as impotence. It is a sexual issue where man can’t be able to hold erection for the time to get complete pleasure and so result in non-pleasurable intimacy for both him and his partner as well. This is very common condition which generally taken place in men who are 50 years or older but in estimation has declared that half of the men who ages between 40 to 70 are looking for treatment for erectile dysfunction.

When to visit your general physician?- This condition generally attacked aged men but if younger have dealing with the condition for a month long then the problem should be checked by general physician so that complete tests have been taken to caught the problem from the root. This condition is warning sign of serious health issue so never does a mistake of keeping that unattended or untreated.

Diseases that can result in ED- There are some of the disease that you have been caught with generally in your life and sometimes doesn't pay much attention to them or don’t likely to have any treatment for them but you would be surprised to get that some of the health problems if left untreated may end in erectile dysfunction.

Gum Problems- Are you smelling badly, having gum bleeding, gums are bright red or swollen or tender then it is indication that you are going to caught with periodontal disease which is called gum disease in general terms. These untreated gum issues gives way to inflammation and hence erectile dysfunction. Treating such periodontal disease would automatically prove treatment for erectile dysfunction. So, go for regular check-ups to dental cleaning in order to keep yourself safe.

Weight Loss- Excessive body weight is actually problem and invitation for several issues itself and the erectile dysfunction is one name from several when you are obese or overweight then it promotes inflammation and then make change in testosterone to estrogen. Even studies have said then when you would achieve the maintained weight then would works like treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Heart Disease- ED is a sign of heart disease means untreated ED may drag you towards heart problems like stroke and heart attack. Also, when you are having ED then quite possibly can also have diabetes as well. But studies also said that when you are having heart problems then quite possibly may have ED as well.

Low Testosterone- Middle aged men who are already fighting with ED most of the times caught with low libido and so having deficiency in testosterone. So, you need to take the treatment for production but it should be necessary that process have done under doctor’s observation it is necessary for overall health.

Give a try to Natural Remedies to Avoid Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or ED that is actually called impotence is a condition when a man is not able to get much erection to performing complete sexual activity. Even researches have said that almost 50% of men have faced the same issue and people who are 50 or 50 plus are at the highest risk of having the same issue but it is not that lesser age people are safe because it can attack you at any time.

Remedies for erectile Dysfunction- As per studies it is proved that when you try natural treatments for ED then it would be far safer than giving try to chemical rich solutions. So, you have try using remedies for your issue with taking consideration of physician.

Zinc- Zinc is a mineral that is helpful to regulating hormones and enzymes and there are so many food sources for same so that you can get that easily. Name of the popular ones among them are beans, oysters, red meat, fortified cereal and poultry. In case body having lower levels of zinc results in sexual dysfunction and other associated issues as well. Like with condition you can have digestive disorders, sickle cell disease, chronic liver or kidney problems, Crohn’s disease, short bowel, cancer, diabetes and chronic diarrhoea as well.

Niacin- A study that have done over the fact have proved that men who are dealing with erectile dysfunction can depend over niacin as it acts like one of the finest natural treatments for ED and for getting in ample amount you have to eat fish, chicken and grains and it not only give you relief from ED but also keep cholesterol level under control and if you are dealing with both the issues then it is like jackpot for you. The amount of intake should be around 500 mg. and slowly or as per condition the dosage can be slowly increased but be sure you are taking that after the suggestion of physician because sometimes can give you side effects including itching and skin flushing.

Muira Puama- It was used in Brazil as a folk remedy as natural treatments for ED, joint pain and digestive disorders. This is an herb that can be got from flowering bush but the truth is that today it is been used in all over the word for treatment of ED and other male sexual problems.