Sunday, 11 May 2014

Enjoy the joy of parenthood by increase in sperm motility

Sperm motility refers to the ability of the sperms to move towards the egg for fertilization. The health of sperms can be predicted by semen analysis. This can be calculated on the basis of the movement of sperms as some sperms move fast to fertilize the egg while in some cases, this can be very low and just the sperm tail moves and makes it difficult for conception to take place.

There are so many causes behind low motility like smoking and drinking, poor nutrition, contraction of STDs,vigorous exercises, genetic factors, exposure to chemicals and other pollutants, ill-effects of use of steroids and drugs, overheating of testicular area that affects sperm production.

Although, there are so many causes behind sperm motility and it negatively affects a man’s health.Further, it indicates that sperms are not healthy enough to fertilize the egg. When a couple find it difficult to become parents then also they want to increase sperm motility. But it is always better to opt for natural treatment to give motility boost to men.

Some of the dietary modifications help a lot. Zinc rich diet leads to positive results. Some of the zinc-rich foods include nuts, grains, red meat, oysters and other sea foods. Selenium present in garlic, eggs and Brazilian nuts gets absorbed into the body and then gets utilized by testes for the production of selenoproteins that plays an important role for conception.

Further studies indicate that consumption of amino acid L-Carnitine helps to increase the production of healthy sperm and leads to increase in sperm count. This amino acid transfers the fatty acids into energy that helps sperm to travel longer. Essential amino acids are found in lean meat and milk products.

The presence of vitamin E boosts sperm count and protects body to fight against free-radicals and other compounds that damage the sperm cells.

Apart from diet, some of the natural supplements made by herbs also help to increase sperm motility. These supplements prove very effective for low sperm motility caused due to hormonal balance and other body changes.

Consultations with your physician on different alternatives to increase sperm motility helps to get best solution as per your body. Moreover, the most important factor is to maintain good health so that root cause of low sperm motility can be addressed.

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