Saturday, 20 December 2014

Sure Shot Ways to Correct Premature Ejaculation

Early ejaculation is leading problem faced by so many men these days but you can help your partner by trying some of the simple techniques. Mostly men under 40 are caused with the issue and there may be so many causes for same like it would affect men due to physical reasons or you would have emotional stress or reasons for falling down as well. But the concern is to fix the issue. You can instead depend over treatment options which would help to cure premature ejaculation naturally.

Try Deep breathing- Deep breathing is a type of mediation and trying the same helps in keeping control over arousal and also it make you relaxed with tensions and stress as well. If man avoids short or shallow breath then it speeds up the heartbeat and hence helps to ejaculate later. Whenever man feels he is about to ejaculate then he should take deep breath and hold that for three second. This is simplest and easiest way where one can get rid of problem of PE without inhaling any medicines and other treatments options.

The Squeeze Method- This is one method where one from both the partners have to squeeze the base of penis and that should be done when man is about to reach orgasm. With this one can lessen erection by squeezing. It is believe one of effective ways to cure premature ejaculation naturally but the thing is one has to make practice of the technique and when mastered then only try it.

Kegel Exercises- It is believed that to improve sexual performance or correct issues women should try kegel exercise but men can also take help of these exercises as they helps in providing strength to the pelvic region and thus as result one can create a strong PC muscles and this is one that can help men to hold ejaculation for long. To strength the muscles one has to stop urine flow for some time. This is PC muscle which helps to keep control over urine and in the same technique this would help men to cure premature ejaculation naturally. But before exactly trying it is must for you to keep practicing the same. For kegel practices, man should tighten and release the PC muscles for ten seconds. Doing that whole in three sets would be perfect and then it should be followed by rest of ten seconds. If you would manage to control PC muscles then would definitely keep control over early ejaculation.

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